About Artisan Electronics Group
Building “Technically Accurate” Rooms
Behind the Scenes:
The Art and Science of Building High-End Home Theaters
There are certainly many tricks of the trade that we have learned over the years, with most learned in the field, through experience. Generally speaking, it is the art of discovering fabrication nuances that helps us to build rooms in a way that gives them greater structural rigidity. So many of these additional steps that we take are things the homeowner never sees because ultimately it all becomes artfully concealed.
There are certainly many tricks of the trade that we have learned over the years, with most learned in the field, through experience. Generally speaking, it is the art of discovering fabrication nuances that helps us to build rooms in a way that gives them greater structural rigidity. So many of these additional steps that we take are things the homeowner never sees because ultimately it all becomes artfully concealed.

The consistency of the quality of our rooms is derived from following a very strict adherence to a well-defined set of best practices, formulated overwhelmingly by all of the many incredible contributors to CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association), our industry’s amazing trade group. CEDIA’s primary objective is to continuously raise the bar for the standards that our industry voluntarily sets for itself. We drink the kool-aid.
We also have learned and continue to learn so much from the relationships we have with our amazing manufacturing partners.
The high-end home theater is such a specialized niche, and as project size grows, we find ourselves working with an increasingly smaller group of manufacturers who are as passionate and dedicated to the quality level of these projects as we are. It is a category completely populated by purists.
Our collaboration with our manufacturing partners begins as soon as we have a reasonable sense of what the scope of the project will entail. When potentially putting 19 speakers in a room, speaker placement becomes a highly refined endeavor. We always want to be able to hear as much separation of individual channels as possible, such that the speakers cannot be too close to one another, for concern of diminishing separation. This becomes a very precise process, and we work very closely with both our speaker manufacturers and our audio processor/amplifier manufacturer to make sure that it is perfect.
We will know what the perfect size screen for your wall will be, and if it’s not a standard size, we will have it custom fabricated. We see too big and too small all the time. There are true formulas for virtually every element in a theater. We believe that it is important to follow these formulas empirically, no exceptions.